| 23 | -1' | 5 | 1 | 177 | 12 Holbrook Rd | 1 | 122 Calistoga Rd | 1 | 302 Falcon Drive | 2 | 4408 Spicewood Springs | 1 | 6527 Breckshille Rd. | 1 | Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple - Beachwood, OH | 1 | Beth Israel-The West Temple - Cleveland, OH | 23 | Brith Emeth - Cleveland, OH | 19 | Call for service | 2 | Congregation Am Shalom - Mentor, OH | 4 | Congregation B'nai Israel - Olean, NY | 5 | Congregation Etz Chaim - Pittsford, NY | 5 | Congregation Iyr Ha-Melech - Kingston, ONT, Canada | 5 | Congregation Rodef Sholom - Youngstown, OH | 9 | Emanuel Jacob Congregation - Mansfield, OH | 1 | Fairmount Temple - Cleveland, OH | 40 | Har Tikvah Congregation-Brampton - Brampton, ONT, Canada | 1 | Holy Blossom Temple - Toronto, ONT, Canada | 31 | Local | 1 | Local Office | 1 | Local or National | 2 | Oheb Shalom Congregation - Sandusky, OH | 1 | Other | 30 | Palm Beach | 1 | penn plaza | 1 | PO Box 8822 | 1 | Shaarei-Beth El Congregation - Oakville, ONT, Canada | 5 | Solel Congregation - Mississauga, ONT, Canada | 8 | Suburban Temple-Kol Ami - Beachwood, OH | 9 | Temple Anshe Hesed - Erie, PA | 19 | Temple Anshe Sholom - Hamilton, ONT, Canada | 10 | Temple B'nai Abraham - Elyria, OH | 4 | Temple B'rith Kodesh - Rochester, NY | 28 | Temple Beth Am - Buffalo, NY | 19 | Temple Beth El - Niagara Falls, NY | 3 | Temple Beth El - Niagara Falls, NY | 12 | Temple Beth Shalom - Hudson, OH | 5 | Temple Beth Zion - Buffalo, NY | 30 | Temple David - Monroeville, PA | 3 | Temple Emanu El - University Heights, OH | 48 | Temple Emanu-El - Willowdale, ONT, Canada | 13 | Temple Emanuel of South Hills - Pittsburgh, PA | 2 | Temple Har Zion - Thornhill, ONT, Canada | 16 | Temple Hesed Abraham - Jamestown, NY | 1 | Temple Israel - Akron, OH | 35 | Temple Israel - Canton, OH | 28 | Temple Israel - London, ONT, Canada | 7 | Temple Israel - Ottawa, ONT, Canada | 10 | Temple Kol Ami - Thornhill, ONT, Canada | 1 | Temple Ohav Shalom - Allison Park, PA | 1 | Temple Shalom - Waterloo, ONT, Canada | 5 | Temple Sinai - Buffalo, NY | 14 | Temple Sinai - Pittsburgh, PA | 1 | Temple Sinai - Rochester, NY | 18 | Temple Sinai - Toronto, ONT, Canada | 17 | Temple Society of Concord - Syracuse, NY | 1 | Temple Tikvah - St. Catharines, ONT, Canada | 16 | The Temple-Tifereth Israel - Beachwood, OH | 12 |